Ni hao, family. Como estas? PSYCH! I went English-speaking. Really
had you going there, didn't I?
Welp. I'll be brief, because we have some lessons and some finding
to attend to tonight, and we're on the tail end of the hour. :/ I'm not
panicked about finishing this in time... it's fine.
Things I want to tell you this week:
This weekend, I hit my month mark... Wait. What? Let's all take just
a sweet minute to drink that in. The WEIRDEST. Where does time go? I feel like
last P-day was yesterday. Bla, bla, bla, more anecdotes about time. But really.
Anyway, in kind of the coolest coincidence EVER, Elder Holland is coming to our
mission to give a conference on June 15. Yep. This is a real thing. I feel like
all of my wildest gospel dreams are coming true. Can't even handle it. You
should've seen me when we got the text! I love him. It's going to be a gooood
This week has been really crazy. All over the place, heartbreak and
happiness, CRAZY. My trainer keeps saying any other trainee would've packed up
and headed home after this week.. but I'd just like to point out that I don't
know anything different in the mission field. So I'm just rollin' right along
thinking this is normal? I don't know. We've had a lot of people drop us out of
the blue, get really hostile, or just straight-up not want to keep any
commitments, but want to keep meeting. I've been really taken aback at how
quickly and deeply I fall in love with these people as we teach. And I mean. I
think we can all agree I'm generally friendly, but this is like. I am tripping
out on more peace, love and desire to befriend every single person within a 25
mile radius than a drug user at a Pink Floyd laser show. I LOVE these people. I
want to know their pains, I want to see them succeed, I want to understand what
has stopped them when they don't. I want to listen. I want to hear the words
they are not saying. I just love them. So it's really heartbreaking... but then
also, so rewarding. It's SUCH a privilege. Missionaries are SO lucky. And it's
the weirdest kind of heartbreak because I am also so happy. You just fall in
love with these people and want so much for them to do well. So we had one
baptismal date this weekend that got postponed, due to some personal safety
issues that needed to be sorted out for the individual. Then our baptism for
next week just dropped us because she doesn't want to quit coffee or find the
time on a weekend. And then a whole ton of my favorite investies were like,
"Ehhhh. Better not." And we were like, NO WAIT, YOU BETTER.
It makes me sad for them because I know how much it will bless THEM,
but then I think of how few people listened to the Savior in His time on the
Earth. I think of the ways He was ridiculed and mocked and cast out and
misunderstood. And then I think of the millions seeking Him today. I think of
the people all over the world, of different backgrounds and maybe even
different beliefs, who rely on Him to make it through each day. There was no
immediate evidence of His planting so many seeds. But He went about doing good
and giving His all anyway. And so, even when days are rough, when weeks don't
turn out, or when months feel like failures... they're NOT. I'm just really
grateful I get to be a part of it. To wear a badge and go give it my all, to
share the best thing in my life, and yeah. To sometimes give people the power
to break my heart as I see them turn away from what will help them most. Not
now doesn't mean not ever. And when we are disappointed or when we are told
off, I try to remember that in the way we react. I LOVE these people. Things
will get even better this week. And this week, in its difficulty, has been SO
Tender mercy, though? Our investigator K. More like CAN I TAKE YOU
HOME AND ADOPT YOU FOREVS? He's such a cutie. He's a 72-year old Vietnamese
man. He wants nothing more than to follow Christ and to trust in God with all
his heart. And he tells us. Teaching him the first vision was one of my
favorite things of my entire life. He's had a stroke of some kind and has
mobility issues and has a hard time speaking, but we understand each other.
Honestly, he reminds me of being around Grandpa Heap. When I showed him the
picture of the first vision, he took it in his hands like a first-time father
would hold a newborn, or someone in poverty would take a million dollars. I
can't even describe it. He treasures the truth and recognizes it as such. His
whole life, 72 years, he has been prepared for this. He's having a really hard
time with the Word of Wisdom aspect, and after we taught, he sat for like 20
minutes in silence. It wasn't weird, but you could just see the struggle.
Finally he looked up, emotional, and said, "I want to trust in God, but I
don't think I can do this." He drinks coffee every morning, and a little
beer to numb the pain. He is in SO much pain. It breaks my heart every time we
are over. He lives alone. And he was SO ashamed about not being able to let go
of his vices because of the pain. I absolutely love him. He has pictures from
China all over his walls, places he wanted to visit. He was so happy when I
told him I'd been those places! Just grinnin' down there. He's like three feet
tops. Always wears his p-jams as we visit. On good days, he wears jeans and a
polo. Also, he had a map of Hainan on his wall randomly. I told him I LOVED
that island and spent a week there, that it was how I knew about being able to
go on a mission and that it was beautiful. He was SO STOKED. Hahaha. He
displays all his pamphlets on his shelves like trophies after we teach.
Aaaaand, I wish I had words for how he looked when we gave him his
Vietnamese Book of Mormon. But words only go so far. We came back the next day
and he was already well into 2 Nephi without us having committed him. I LOVE
Here's the thing. We're told often as missionaries that there are
people God can reach only through us, that we promised in the pre-earth life to
find. And most of the time, it's a tender thought, kind of cliche, but every
moment we spend with K, it's a living, breathing, nostalgic reality. In his
silence and in his disability, in my weakness and great imperfection, there is
sweet understanding that only God brings. I know him, and I knew him, and
because God let me find my friend, we will always know each other.
AH WHAT ELSE, I have like five minutes. CRAP.
Sister K. This African lady, less-active, but only because she works
to support all her family here and back in Africa. She's black as night with a
smile a mile wide. She fed us African food the other night and I died of
happiness. So spicy. So good. She told me, "Girl, you gon' come back here
can't even. So good. I felt prompted to share with her D&C 25, about Emma
Smith and the Lord using her talents. And about how the Lord may not need her
to make a hymn book, but He needs something she has. Sister Q built on it and
we went to D&C 46, and talked about how all of us have talents. The look of
surprise on her face was priceless. She just said, "I never knew I had
talents. I don't dance, I don't sing. I never knew." Ahhhhh. The LORD
KNOWS HER. I love it. Also, she was talking about how hot Mormon women are as
we left. And I quote. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmm, WE DA MORMOMS."
Hahaha. Ugh. Yes. Forever and ever yes.
What else? We got talking about Lord of the Rings, making allusions,
and then found ourselves craving a marathon. :/ What's the missionary
up Rivendell, Lorien, Isengard. Alllaaadat. Pictures to come. :) We found some
way cool people.
I gotta go. We're teaching K and getting him a priesthood blessing,
because he seriously is in so much pain. Kills me. He's my BFF. I love him with
all my heart.
Also you. :) Have the best week. I'll send pictures soon! Thank you
for the mail. And the love. And the examples. And everything.
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